Thursday, May 10, 2007


Another babe of mine had her day.Dine in Mr.HO.Party at B@rzing!
Wasnt a blast but we enjoyed each companion.
Below was her cake on fire~
Happy 27th girl!

With love...Shimani herself

SHe was force by us to wear that twinky thing on her head. Yes,it was my idea.
She warned not to post this on friendster,but didn't mention about not posting on blog dou.
Do you think she'll scream her lungs out when she knows i did eventually post this?
Oh dear! that's going to be a disaster uh.

*Aud dear

*Charlene dear

*Jasz dear

*Jasz + LOv

*Kunga dear

We love to make funny pose...

We love the cam...

We love to grin...

But most of all,we love each others...

:: xOXO ::
