Sunday, March 02, 2008

Valentines day???

A little late on this thought....but i came across it when i was on board a flight from Kuching to Macau.....heres a few i find it interesting...u might have seen it somewhere...but anyway...heres it:-
Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the "y" becomes silent.

How much does it costs to get married??? well....heres the answer from a father to the son "i'm still paying so i have no idea"...true eh???

A marriage is grand.....a divorce is at least!!!!

Before marriage...a man will lie awake thinking bout wad u said...After marriage?? well....he will fall asleep before u noe it!!

Gary Chen

1 comment:

Tim-Kimokeo Voon said...

hmmm....i read this somewhere before...